Wednesday, July 30, 2008

dear you,

Dear you,

I’m begging you.
Don’t do this to me again.
Its hurt, burnt and I’m sick of it.
I’ve thought I’ve treated you well.
But, it wasn't enough to you.
Could you be honest towards me and tell me what you really want.
Well, I’ve tried my best.
How could you do this to me.
Don’t you remember your promises.
Don’t you.
You promised me to close yourself a little while,
just a little bit of time.
Are you clear now??
I raelly hope so..
Wait, are you still staring at tht pc.
Oh my dear eyes,
Please, stop it.
Its damn tiring.

Pssst: OMG, ak ngantoooooooook tp x leh tido.arghhhhhh.tensionnye.bongekkk.