Thursday, February 26, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Please..I'm not Britney yet. Never.
I hate to say this so I have to say it fast;
'I’d just chopped my hair today. Chopped it like real short though. Very short till I’m scare to stare at the mirror.'
I don’t know what’s wrong with me yesterday.
Posted by Sean Puff Dyla at 23:50 0 comments
Labels: aku dan kesadisanku
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
ni mungkin kopi dan pasta tapi aku tetap berselera.
I’m a free,
I’m just a 5’ 6’ chick in my ugly shoes,
And I’m just me,
And my name is not of any greek goddess,
No one care if i’m might here,
I’m not a greek goddes and so are you,
And i’m just me,
It’s okay that I’m nothing special,
Let it be,
Because if the world is full of people just like you,
Then, I’ll end up special afterall.
~greek goddess-yunalis
p/s: ok. dah. puas hati.
Posted by Sean Puff Dyla at 21:42 0 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
Budak-budak pun snapping fingers tak berbunyi
Semalam aku tengah melayan anak buah aku, Khairina, 6 tahun.
Dia ni suka menyanyi dan menari sekali la.
Tetiba dia nyanyi satu lagu yg aku familiar tapi sedikit diubah suai.
Kom apa?
Bat apa?
Bat man*sambil mengangkat tangan ala2 nak terbang mcm Batman.
Man apa??
Men tol*sambil snap-snap jari tp tak berbunyi)
Aku hairan.
Kenapa kuis-kuis jari???
Apa kaitan petik-petik jari macam tu dengan mentol.
Mentol bulat.
Ke ni mentol automatic yg dimaksudkan.
Lalu aku,
“Kakak, salah lah. Sepatutnya macam ni."*sambil buat bentuk bulat menggunakan jari.*
Dia dengan kondipennya menjawab,
“Betullah orang buat.” *sambil snap-snap jari lagi*
Dia sambung lagi dengan ekspresi muka yang tak puas hati ,
“TOL. TOL. *sambil snap-snap jari lagi.* Kan tol selalu je ambik duit kita, sikit-sikit duit. Tol duit. Tol duit. Betul lah orang buat macam tu"*sambil snap-snap jari lagi*
Aku speechless dan lagu ni lantas terlintas dalam kepala otak aku;
Duit. Dimana kau duit*sambil snap-snap jari*
Posted by Sean Puff Dyla at 13:42 0 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
Kadang2 tengok wayang yg bosan lebih menyeronokkan.
- Oh! Scanner aku boleh berfungsi rupanya. Hari tu ingatkan rosak.
- Aku tak tau puaka apa yg merasuk aku sekarang
- sebab aku homesick la
- Betul ke movie New Moon ni kuar so~ soon, Dakota Fanning pun ada sekali?
Posted by Sean Puff Dyla at 21:16 0 comments
Labels: aku dan super duper hottie family, aku movie dan music
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Yuna is awesome. Berapa kali aku kena bagitau??
What's up February.
Well, I couldnt updated this blog since I've been to Europe for the whole last week.
What's so funny?
Babe, I'm telling u the truth. Okay.
I was Backpacking Around Europe.
See??? I told you.
p/s: nasib baik ada org cam Yuna, kalau tak aku mati kebosanan. ur music colouring me.
Posted by Sean Puff Dyla at 19:05 2 comments
Labels: aku movie dan music